Your home and business should be enjoyed by you & your guests, Not by the uninvited FLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know that flies are carriers of many types of diseases. The last thing we want is them buzzing around your businesses and landing on your food.
With the advancement of liquid and dry bait. As well as the use of traps with bait and traps that have attractants and bait impregnated in them. These products not only work but have long term results, because of these factors F&F offers fly control service.

F&F applies bait and attractant sprays with bait around the exterior of the business away from doors and windows. This will help reduce the amount of flies near your business. When flies enter your business and they will enter we can’t stop the amount of flies that live outdoors from entering your business. However, you now have protection in your business for when they do enter. F&F strategically applies liquid bait with the use of traps to kill all flies that enter your business by the following morning. This is providing that doors and windows are not left opened and if opened they have proper screening.
While the material last 60 – 90 days a lot depends on the amount of rain. This can affect the protection around the perimeter of the business. With this factor in mind we warranty all fly quarterly treatments for 30 days after our visit.
Phorid Flies
Phorid flies are about 1⁄64–1⁄4 in (½–6 mm) in length. When viewed from the side, there is a pronounced hump to the thorax. The color ranges from black or brown to yellowish. They have a characteristic wing venation. They are frequently found around flowers and moist decaying matter, although they can be found throughout the house. Most commonly they feed on decaying organic matter. Because they frequent unsanitary places they may transport various disease-causing organisms to food material. Image courtesy of the USDA Agricultural Research Center [] {{PD-USGov-USDA-ARS}}
House Flies
House flies get their name from being the most common fly found around homes. Adult house flies can grow to one-quarter of an inch long and usually live between 15 and 25 days.
Habits –They are only able to feed on liquids but have the ability to turn many solid foods into a liquid for them to eat. House flies taste with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue.
Habitat – House flies tend to stay within 1-2 miles of where they were born; however, they have been known to migrate up to 20 miles to find food.
Threats – These insects have been known to carry over 100 different kinds of disease-causing germs, which makes them very bad house guests.
Fruit Flies
Fruit flies feed on decaying fruits and vegetables.
Habits – Fruit flies feed on decaying matter, especially fruits and vegetables.
Habitat – Fruit flies are small pests that are commonly found in homes, restaurants and other facilities where food is processed. They are found on moist, decaying matter that has been stationary for several days.
Threats – Fruit flies are found in unsanitary conditions, so they are a potential heath concern, especially when present in health facilities. Source:
Drain Flies
The nematoceran family Psychodidae (moth flies or drain flies) are small true flies (Diptera) with short, hairy bodies and wings giving them a “furry” moth-like appearance. The adults have long antennae and the wings are leaf-shaped, either slender or broad, with the most elementary wing venation of any Diptera, having little more than a series of parallel veins without crossveins. The larvae of the subfamilies Psychodinae, Sycoracinae and Horaiellinae live in aquatic to semi-terrestrial habitats, including bathroom sinks; some species are commonly nuisance pests in bathrooms.